Versions of vietwin accounting software
With VietWin, iGaming accounting tasks with huge numbers have become compact with simple operations but still bring absolute accuracy.
When iGaming started to penetrate the Vietnam market, VietWin quickly recognized the opportunity to develop and dominate the market.
Technician team has many years of operation in the industry & is well trained, ready, 24/7 with customer inquiries.
Taking the level of customer satisfaction is the guideline for all product research, creation, upgrade, and development activities.
Listening, receiving customer requests & reporting to relevant departments, becoming a bridge between products and customers.
Concretize work for each individual & department, provide services & products under strict, scientific, and intelligent control.
Customers using VietWin products are always allowed to participate in valuable events and preferential promotions.
Quality of VietWin accounting software
Update quickly - exactly new formula for popular iGaming systems in the market.
VietWin accounting software users are required to use the Login Name to login for increased security.
VietWin supports sustomers fast to get complete and accurate results in any accounting cycle.
Supporting software users to manage the payment - accounting convenient and accurate.
Supporting users to strictly manage account login, improve information security.
Convenient in the payment - accounting process, solving the weekly result deviation.
Directly change account status, no need to log in direct on system, énuring fast & secure.
Create transactions for many members in the same accounting cycle, reducing operation time.
Support to find the difference in the report results quickly, increasing accuracy in accounting.
Support customers with lottery accounting with North - Central - South play styles.
Quickly create a contractor / division formula for Partners, limit data discrepancies.
Assist in controlling details of the quantity and buying style of specific numbers on different Loto systems.
VietWin updated to add cashback feature to improve convenience in the payment - accounting process.